Protecting Our Quality of Life
Matt will continue to work to expand recreational facilities and amenities within our City. During his last term on the council, we added pools, parks, the Tumbleweed Recreation Center, the Veterans Oasis Park, to name a few of the amenities our residents now enjoy. To ensure the city leveraged its tax dollars, we sought and encouraged the sharing of city and school resources to strengthen our libraries, facilities and buildings, pools and recreation activities. Chandler was rated among the 100 best communities in the nation for youth during my last term on the council, a testament to how the city/school partnership has paid big dividends to our residents. Matt will continue to work those partnerships for the betterment of Chandler.
Over the years, we have made great progress in our recreational facilities and opportunities. However, we can always continue to improve our parks and recreational amenities in a fiscally responsible manner. Currently, the demand for children and adult recreational facilities has grown faster than our parks and recreational facilities can absorb. We need to revisit our long range plan for a regional multi-use sports complex to relieve the demand on our local parks. At the same time, we need to enhance and reinvest in our local and neighborhood parks.
In order to achieve many of these goals, Matt will continue to seek partnerships with the schools and private entities to build new facilities and to enhance our current structures and programs.